General Conditions
The Tidy Towns Competition 2024 continues in it’s new format and in order to assist and support your efforts, applications are being accepted for the Tidy Towns Grant 2024.Tidy Towns Grants should complement at least one of the National Tidy Towns competition categories.
Community Climate action category is now included to encourage local activities that support our Climate Change Adaptation Strategy – for example tree planting, promoting smarter travel, innovative waste management(grass mulching) etc.
Supplies of litter picking materials such as litter pickers and bags will be supplied on request from Litter Wardens will facilitate the pick- up of bags of collected litter. Your 2024 grant application is invalid unless a Completion Report for last year(2023) has been submitted.
A. Please include at least one quotation for all works included in your application.
B. Completed application forms should be returned by 4pm, 31st March 2024 at the latest. Groups must be tax compliant.
C. Progress on projects should be monitored and all successful applicants are required to furnish receipts/photos and return your completion report by 31st October 2024
D. In order to ensure that the fund prioritises locally identified environmental needs, all projects should complement a minimum of one of the various categories of the National Tidy Towns competition. However, your Committee can still apply for a grant irrespective of your involvement in the national competition.
E. Applicants must ensure that relevant projects (i.e. if your project is engaging children in an activity) are carried out in accordance with all Child Protection Policies and Procedures currently in place by Laois County Council.
F. By completing this form, The Tidy Towns Committee:
- Confirms that the funding provided will only be used for the purposes outlined in this application form and that no cost, or part thereof, for the activities outlined in this application form has not already been spent nor goods or services purchased.
- Confirms that individual Tidy Town Committee members or volunteers will not be paid any part of the grant awarded in return for goods or services.
- Confirms that the Tidy Towns Committee shall acknowledge the support of Laois County Council on all publicity material, social media and in events associated with this funding.
General Notes to Applicants:
1. Projects should complement the ongoing work of the committee in a minimum of one of the National Tidy Town’s competition areas (please see application noting these categories).
2. All appropriate insurances and ongoing maintenance plans should also be in place prior to funding being secured.
3. Laois County Council reserves the right to request a completion report from successful applicants. Failure to supply this may result in future applications not being considered.
4. It should be noted that this form and any subsequent correspondence may be subject to release under the Freedom of Information Acts and under the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations.
5. Finally, it is the responsibility of all Groups to ensure they comply with all relevant legislation and guidelines regarding Health & Safety. Laois County Council will not be liable to the Tidy Towns Committee or any other party in respect of any loss, damage or costs of any nature arising directly or indirectly from the subject matter of this application form.